Sharing Economy

Share Image credit: Carlos Maya on Flickr licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 2.0

Discussion Questions:

  • What do you think when you hear “sharing economy”?
  • What do you regularly share with other people?
  • What things do you think are weird to share with strangers?
  • How does the sharing economy work?
  • What are the main pillars of the sharing economy? (Elicit: trust, access, shared ownership)
  • Why has the sharing economy boomed after evolution of mobile internet?
  • How can you trust people you share things with?
  • Have you ever taken part in the sharing economy? How?
  • What was the experience like?
  • Why would people share rather than own something? (Cost, wasted resources, value extraction?)
  • What benefits do the sharing economy hold for communities / society?
  • How is this market regulated for security and security?
  • How does sharing play a role in urban waste?
  • In normal business transactions the government also extracts value by way of taxes, but with the sharing economy often the same taxes don’t apply; what do you think about this? (e.g. AirBnB hosts don’t pay taxes charged in the hospitality industry)
  • What sharing economy initiatives do you know about?
    • AirBnB, Uber, Coachsurfing, Taskrabbit, Poshmark…)
  • How popular are these (or ideas like these) in your country? Why do you think?
  • Which countries / communities would this be most popular? Why?
  • Do you think that the sharing economy could have serious consequences for product manufacturers and service providers in the long term? Why / how?
  • Do you think that the sharing economy could rival the traditional economy at some point?
  • (Referring to the Economist article):
    • Why does the journalist say that the sharing economy is not just like a bed and breakfast?
    • What are some examples that he mentions (besides renting bedrooms or cars)?
    • Do you have underused assets that you could extract more value from?
    • Do you think that reviews and comments on a user’s profile is enough of a security check?
    • As the journalist mentioned, there is some conflict between the traditional market or authorities and the sharing economy. Do you think that this will restrict the sharing economy?




boom (economy boom)

value extraction

underused assets


Grammar spotlight:

Have you ever used… (present perfect)

sharing economy is smaller than the traditional market (comparative)

for now the sharing economy has a smaller market share than… (comparative)



The Economist online had a great article titled Rise of the Sharing Economy that gives a current overview as well as a “peek into the future” as they call it.



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